4 Reasons Why Your Roof Shingles Are Falling

Noticing that shingles are falling off of your roof can be a scary experience. After all, those shingles are what protect your home from water leaks, storm damage, pest invasion and a whole host of other problems. As such, if your shingles are falling down, it's imperative that you get to the root of the problem and fix it. Here are four of the most common possible culprits.

1. Adverse weather

Has your city been hit by a storm lately? Do you live in a coastal town that's constantly afflicted by strong winds? If your home has been recently (or frequently) affected by adverse weather, this could be why your shingles are falling down. Heavy wind, hail, and even rain can dislodge shingles or tear them off completely. If this is the cause of your problems, it's important to get your roofing weatherproofed after repairing it.

2. Poor installation

Not all roofing installation companies are made equally. If care wasn't taken when applying shingles to your roof, it won't take long for them to begin falling off. In this case, while repairing the lost shingles is a quick fix when you're strapped for cash, it's not a great long-term solution. Instead, you should have your roofing repair company conduct a thorough inspection and consider replacing your shingles entirely.

3. Foot traffic

Walking on your roof is not just a health and safety risk, but it can also damage your shingles. While it may be essential to step out on the roof occasionally, whether you are fixing an aerial or catching a wandering cat, it is best to avoid it if possible. Walking on your roof when it is hot out can be an even bigger problem for your shingles, as high heat tends to make them more vulnerable to damage. If your shingles fell off the roof after you walked on it, make sure to avoid getting atop your house until they are fixed. Then, in the future, make sure you avoid walking on your shingles unless absolutely necessary.

4. Old age

Ultimately, sometimes roof shingles simply fall down due to old age. Even the best-laid shingles won't last forever. Some may crack due to drying over time, while others may become dislodged after years of moisture. Whatever the case, if you've had your roofing for over a decade, falling shingles are inevitable and will need to be repaired by a competent contractor.

403 Words

About Me

Designs, Installation and Repair: A Roofing Blog Every home and outbuilding needs a roof, and although essential, this part of a building is often overlooked. Instead, people tend to focus on the more romantic elements of a building such as its exterior cladding, colour or landscaping. This blog hopes to reverse that trend. In this space, I'm going to focus exclusively on roofs. Some posts will talk about the best designs for commercial and residential roofs. Others will focus on repair or installation tips. If you're designing a building, repairing a damaged roof or just looking for information, this blog is a great place to start exploring.

