5 Benefits Of Colorbond Roofing On Your Commercial Building

When your commercial building requires a new roof, one material that should be considered is colorbond roofing. Colorbond is a steel coated roofing tile that provides many benefits over both corrugated steel roofs and standard roofing tiles. 

1. Damage Resistance

The layers of steel and polymers used to create this type of roof result in an extremely durable surface. You won't have to worry about rust or corrosion on the metal, and the roof won't develop cracks or dents as can occur with other types of roof tile material. The material also doesn't attract termites or other pests that tend to damage roofs. Further, the polymer infused topcoat is also resistant to fading, so the roof remains attractive for many years. 

2. Simple Maintenance

Your commercial roof will garner other costs beyond the initial installation due to the need for maintenance. A low maintenance roof is one way to mitigate these costs from the outset. Colorbond roofing rarely requires more than periodic cleaning to prevent debris and weight hazards. Combine this with a yearly inspection to catch minor issues, such as loose fasteners, and the roof will likely last years without the need for major repairs.

3. Eco Friendly

Environmentally safe roofing options are a necessity in the modern era. Colorbond roofing is made from recyclable materials that lower its eco-footprint when the roof does eventually reach its end of life. This roofing is also specially coated to reflect the sun's rays, making it an energy-efficient choice. Additionally, it is well suited to rainwater collection. This is a real benefit in drought-prone regions. 

4. Fire Safety

If your building is located in a region with high bush fire risk, then the roof is one of the main lines of defence for your building. It only takes a single ember on the wrong type of material to cause the whole building to ignite. The steel layers of colorbond roofing can't ignite, which means there is very little risk of a fire. Combining colorbond roofing with other bush fire safety measures could save your building in the event of a disaster.

5. Design Quality

A roof that performs well and is environmentally sound is one thing, but you also want the building to look nice to clients and customers. Colorbond roofing comes in a large range of colours so you can find the one that looks best with the outside architecture. Further, it doesn't fade and it cleans easily, so the colour you see now will remain vibrant and attractive for years to come. 

Contact a commercial roofer to learn more about colorbond roofing options.

433 Words

About Me

Designs, Installation and Repair: A Roofing Blog Every home and outbuilding needs a roof, and although essential, this part of a building is often overlooked. Instead, people tend to focus on the more romantic elements of a building such as its exterior cladding, colour or landscaping. This blog hopes to reverse that trend. In this space, I'm going to focus exclusively on roofs. Some posts will talk about the best designs for commercial and residential roofs. Others will focus on repair or installation tips. If you're designing a building, repairing a damaged roof or just looking for information, this blog is a great place to start exploring.

